We were all immigrants

International airports are typically full of immigrants. I always notice the south asian ones because of my own origin.

Yes, they can appear pushy, and have different mannerisms than what we might be used to.

When I see families that look like they just got off the boat so to speak, I think of my family 35+ years ago while my parents were navigating western culture. We were born and brought up here. And my mom did her doctorate and post-doc in Alberta (very rare at the time).

So when I observe how south asians experience little patience at airports and other public spaces, I am grateful for the kind people who showed a bit of grace (not the pitiful type) with my family when we were young. And thankfully, we were mostly treated exceptionally well growing up, but I know that is not always the case.

Let’s just all remember, that at one point or another, we were all immigrants - European, African, South American, Asian, Australian etc.

#airports #immigrants #southasian #YULairport


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