To wisdom

“To wisdom belongs the intellectual apprehension of eternal things; to knowledge, the rational knowledge of temporal things” (Augustine).

It’s the best distinction I’ve come across. We are overloaded with information, and know a lot (whether true or untrue, that’s for another day). Knowing facts or spitting out information, however, can only take us so far.

Wisdom is understanding things that are not about concrete objects. It comes from experience, practice and deep recollection.

Wisdom is not fluff like a Homesense/Target framed quote to smile at. It’s a virtue and gift with a call to action and inner transformation.

One that we all have the capacity to obtain.
One that can enrich and embellish our lives, far more than we could ever imagine.

With that, I leave you with some wise words from Jose Maria Escriva:
“The way of love has a name; it is Sacrifice.”


His Response to Degradation


Honour demands