Gather, to Dignify

gather, n.

To bring together or assemble from various places, sources, or people; collect gradually.

Food is a basic human need. Equally so, is feeling loved through belonging. Together, they dignify the human person.

It’s a no brainer to host with friends. It’s actually an important part of maintaining and strengthening relationships. Picturesque.

But. Those who don’t get invited. Those we know, who may be a little awkward, or have some distinct views, who may not fit the aesthetic of our friends. Who may be a little too loud or a little too casual. Their faces aren’t symmetrical.  Not so picturesque, is it?

The art of gathering around food, and including is an ever multiplying gift for all. Using whatever limited resources we have as well as making space for new. Treating those who don’t get invited as our special guests of honour. That heals. That brings together. That mends. That opens our heart and causes one less broken heart. Isolated heart. And dead heart.

We find scapegoats for many things in life. We change our rhetoric to justify our (selfish) actions that have direct consequences to others and ourselves. We post a politically correct image on our socials to signal to the arbitrary public  that we “care” or are a “good person.” This is fluff, and we know it. We acclaim we are somewhat saddened by our surroundings and the state of the world, but what are we actually doing? Every moment presents us with an opportunity to draw people in, or push people further away. Fundamentally, fracturing our culture, our society and decaying our future. Hosting, inviting and gathering are sure safeguards against that possible reality.

How about extending an invite to that person we pictured while reading this? How about doing so in the next month? How about letting go of our ego for an hour? And then do it more frequently, until it’s part of our way of being? Food and gather - dignify the human person.

Then, and only then, are we working towards being a good person rather than cheap virtue signalling.


Shrugged, smiled


My Palace