

What does it mean to open our home? What does it mean to give what little we are able to bless another?

More often than not, we have been the recipient of closed doors, door being shut or worse, slammed in our face.

These doors take many forms. Maybe it was someone’s lack of acknowledgement of our being, refusal to sit with us when we just needed comfort, being let down by someone we expected more of, being excluded or never invited, and on and on.

Perhaps, we’ve even been the one who closed doors, shut or worse, slammed doors in the faces of others.

But as Catherine said, every moment is a chance to begin again.

Then do for others what you’d want others to do for us. No platinum rule bull - perhaps in the work place alone. Because the truth is we need tenderness. And in order to receive it, we must give it. Otherwise, we have a supply and demand issue.

So let’s open our doors a little more. And thereby, our homes. And importantly, let’s do it hidden, so as to not signal any virtue.

(Having grown up with the generous hospitality, warmth and basic Christian charity my parents exemplified with their lives, no small gift, privilege and luxury.)


Depth of us


Knife or Life